Paragraph Punch - An interactive online paragraph writing tutorial. Takes users through the actual steps of writing a basic paragraph. more info..
English Online net - Offers business academic essay technical resume writing courses, free conversation and grammar lessons for ESL high school and college students and teachers. more info..
Online Writing Workshop - Intro page for the Online Writing Workshops site, which provides interactive online writing workshops for aspiring writers in various genres: science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and general fiction more info..
Writers Online Workshops - Get professional writing instruction from Writer's Digest with Writers Online Workshops more info..
POWA - Paradigm Online Writing Assistant. Writing ideas and activities. This online guide offers help in inventing, organizing, revising, and editing essays--of special interest to nonfiction writing students and instructors more info..
Writing.Com - Writing.Com is the online community for creative writing, fiction writing, story writing, poetry writing, writing contests, writing portfolios, writing help, and writing writers. more info..
Elite Skills - Poetry. Submit stories, poetry, thoughts and get feedback. Free user-based forum with many features. more info..