Terms of Service & Submission Guidelines

In using this website you agree to the following terms and submission guidelines:

We, at Cipinet.com, reserve the right to reject a site, edit or remove any content you submit for review. Your content may also be reused in different places in different contexts around the site. This means what you type in your submissions, of course, not anything on your own site.

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Submission Form Guidelines

Title: Title in any language other than English is not accepted. Use Google Translator to translate in English before making a submission. Do not use ALL CAPITAL letter or symbols or contact number.

URL: Submit only top level domain URL for free listing. Top level domain, sub-domain or individual web page is accepted in paid listing only.

Description: Please describe your product, service or content without stuffing keywords, repeating company, domain name or phone number. Description in any language other than English is not accepted. Use Google Translator to translate in English before making a submission.

Keywords: Keywords are accepted in paid listing only. 10 Most relevant keywords must be used separated with comma and space. Do not repeat a word more than two times.

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